- You can either present your general vision of our future in the year 2050, or select a particular field which you’d like to analyse deeper:
- Human interaction
- Climate change / protection
- Education
- Democracy
- Health
- Migration
- Social policies
- Artificial Intelligence
- Genetic engineering
- etc.
- You may decide to include references to or citations from books in your pitch. Reading a book related to your pitch helps you to develop your ideas and push your imagination further !
Have a look at our library section to see some recommendations !
References to or citations from books of course have to be presented as such in your pitch. (You need to mention that you are quoting someone or presenting the idea of someone else in your pitch.)
- Have a look at our writing pitches section: these hints can help you make your pitch more convincing !
Filming: please use the medium close up frame when filming a person in order to achieve the best possible result: