2019 Finalists


For Europe… for the World – by Joan Nalianya

This pitch envisions a Europe that continues to pioneer in matters of social welfare, sustainability and technology in order to set an example for the rest of the world. The looming future brings forth a plethora of questions, across all generations each with their own...


Europe in 2050 – by Marina Stepanenko & Nikita Saenko

Hello everyone, people from 2050y are writing to you now. Do you wonder what our life is like now? We decided to send you a letter from the future, because more recently, young and inexperienced in 2019, a novice scientist from Germany, Fredrik Muller, invented a time...


E-Europe – by Hannah Horschke

Democracy, freedom, equality, the rule of the law and respect for human rights and dignity. These shared values are the foundation of the European Union. European people and societies are connected by them. They form the ground, which all European Institutions should...


Young Europe Imagines – by Marilena Zigka

When I first encountered the topic of “Imagining Europe in 2050” the first thing that crossed my mind was that oh wow, I have not even existed as a person for 31 years. It currently seems to me like an entire lifetime, and let’s face it, there’s so much potential...


My vision of Europe in 2050 – by Eric Jhon Cruz

My vision of Europe in 2050 is the collective vision which I came up with by looking at it from a multi-disciplinary perspective from the four main sectors which I believe would be key players for the fate of Europe in 2050: the farming sector, the research sector, the...


I May Seem Dreaming – by Miron Vitushka

How do you see Europe in 2050? Developed, prosperous – or, perhaps, weakened? And what if I tell you that Europe is much bigger than a lot of us think? Here are my thoughts on Europe in 2050. Miron Vitushka, 15 y.o., Minsk, Belarus. Hello, my name is Miron...


My vision of Europe in 2050 – by Kate Piskovaya

Half a century ago people could not even imagine those things nowadays are objects of everyday use. Twenty years ago, there were a lot of troubles to connect to the Internet or even to send a letter. A video camera or a laptop was a luxury and the phone was about the...


“Rowing” – by Angel Garcia

Me he montado en un autobús que me ha llevado a una casa rodeada de estrellas de color azul. En esa casa hay muchos barcos con banderas diferentes reflejados en un gran espejo, en cada barco una mesita y dentro de cada mesita hay un mismo mapa, llamado fantasía. Los...


Vision of Europe in 2050! – by Zlatko Mesic

Vision in Europe 2050! Anja: Six years ago, Croatia has become a member of the European union. Teenagers see great positive change and advantages of the membership, and we believe that the whole Europe will unite by the year 2050, along with countries on other...


I believe in humanity – by Anna Nikolashvily

I may seem to be a pessimist, but these days I often think about our future and I am afraid that people, despite the rapid development, will not be humans any more. There will be no one to give you a hand when you are in need, there will be no one to support you...


The United States of Europe – by Radu Dumitrescu

My vision for Europe in 2050 is essentially a federalist one, meaning that the 28 states that make up the Union today will, by then, be fully integrated into a federal or federation-like supra-structure like the United States of Europe. There are very few areas that...


Europe 2050 – by Jesper Mucke

Europe 2050-Explained from Athena to Dublin My journey through Europe 2050 starts in Athena. The Greece Economy, when we want to use this outdated thermology, is doing great since we stopped fighting each other and realized we need to work together in Europe. There are...


A Europe of health – by Enzo Gallet

Europe in 2019, will be a Europe of health, able to cure efficiently the various diseases that may affect our body and mind. Our goal: to become a leader in medicine, by adopting ambitious policies!


My vision of Europe in 2050 – by Tamara Lamanova

Hi, my name is Tamara. I’m a student from Ukraine. I will try to communicate my vision of Europe in 2050. I believe that Europeans can create a model of Europe of 2050. How? Through education! After all, those who will form Europe in 2050 are in kindergartens and...


Imagine Europe in 2050! – by Anna Pavlovskaya

Hi. My name is Anya, I am Ukrainian. I study in the 10th grade and dream of becoming a photographer. Surely each of us was wondering what will be in the distant future. This is our human nature – to think. Since we are a little familiar, let’s take a trip...